Sometimes it's easier than it should be. Capturing a bighorn sheep on camera shouldn't be as easy as driving down the road and looking out the window.
On my way to St. Elmo for an afternoon photo walk I spotted this ewe out in a field by the road. I pulled over after driving past so as not to spook her and proceeded to take many shots of her moving around the field and eating. With the snow I really wanted an HDR image so towards the end of the shoot I gave a kissing sound to stop her. She stood staring at me long enough to get off three shots.
I do like this image a lot, a good focal point for the eye, some interesting light in the field behind her, and the depth of field, while not as short as I would like, is still shallow enough to make her stand out from the foreground and background. There just isn't enough context here, not enough visual interest to make this print worthy.